Semester 1 Recap and Upcoming Events

Hello lovely readers, it is your treasurer Nav here with a quick wrap up of how 2021 has treated MUEES so far and a glance into what we will be doing in the future. Semester 1 saw the growth of our membership count to a high number. We launched our website, got onboard three wonderful sponsors from industry (SDC, Senversa and Yarra Valley Water), had coffee and cupcakes with Environmental Engineering academics at the brand-new Melbourne Connect, had an end of semester coffee catchup and a joint Pub Night (with MUCSS and MUCESS). Throughout SWOTVAC our study sessions were back by popular demand aiding students within Melbourne and those overseas.

A highlight of our journey as a committee since our previous AGM was when we had 6 new wonderful members join the MUEES committee after our SGM in April. As a stronger committee we plan to have more social and industry related events to benefit the environmental (and broader engineering) community at Unimelb. A few that we have lined up so far for semester 2 are a Cocktail Night, Industry Seminars (by our sponsors), more Coffee Catchups, an online Trivia Night and our famous ‘Engineers and IT Got Talent’! Despite being one of the smaller clubs of FEIT, we are delighted with the amazing engagement that we have from our excellent members, and we brag (proudly but humbly) that we have one of the highest percentage member engagement from the Engineering clubs at university. So that is a tiny peek into semester 2 and a moment of reflection on semester 1. MUEES is really looking forward to seeing you very soon!

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