Semester 2 2021 Summary

Casting our minds back to the second half of 2021, we can recall that the semester was unfortunately plagued by a shift back to an entirely online semester for students in Victoria enduring yet another lockdown, as well as for students stuck overseas and interstate. With this, MUEES set out to make the most of…

Sustainable Development Consultants Industry Seminar

Proud Pacific sponsor of MUEES, Sustainable Development Consultants (SDC), presented an Industry Seminar to the MUEES community on the 9th of September. This event was enthusiastically attended by around 30 students interested in learning more about how sustainability is implemented in the built environment. The presenters were two of SDC’s Directors, Daniel Edwards and Adam…

Semester 1 Recap and Upcoming Events

Hello lovely readers, it is your treasurer Nav here with a quick wrap up of how 2021 has treated MUEES so far and a glance into what we will be doing in the future. Semester 1 saw the growth of our membership count to a high number. We launched our website, got onboard three wonderful…

Finishing off the semester with Study Sessions

Throughout the study and exam period of semester 1, 2021, MUEES, in collaboration with MUCSS, hosted several study sessions for students of subjects related to environmental engineering. These subjects were: Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Risk Analysis, Earth Processes for Engineering, and Analysis of Biological Data. The aim of these sessions was to foster discussion between students…

Week 11 Coffee Catch-up

In the second last week of semester, on the 20th of May 2021, MUEES hosted an end of semester coffee catch-up. This was hosted at House of Cards Espresso, on campus, where members of our society were able to exchange a token for a free beverage. Our event aimed to provide students with the opportunity…

Meet the Academics Event

On the 22nd of April 2021, MUEES hosted a “Meet the Academics” event in collaboration with the UniMelb Water Group (Environmental Engineering Department). Taking place at the new Melbourne Connect building, the event was a great opportunity for students, lecturers and tutors to meet and chat in a casual setting. The event was well attended…

2021 starting strong with Drinks Night

MUEES recently held our first in person social event after COVID-19 and related lockdowns. Together with our friends from MUCSS (Melbourne University Civil & Structural Society) and MUCESS (Melbourne University Chemical Engineering Students Society) we had a joint Drinks Night at the Clyde Hotel. With around 120 people attending, we were assured that the night…

Melbourne University Environmental Engineers’ Society acknowledges
the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia.
We pay our respects to Elders both past and present.